File/File Types Description

Below, appears a description of each file/file types that are included on the default list of garbage files to delete on Clean Disk 2002.

  • *.--- = Setup temporary files.
  • *.$db = DBase temporary files.
  • *.^ = Temporary files.
  • *.~ = Temporary files.
  • *.~?? = Temporary files made by Windows and not deleted afterwards.
  • *.bak = General backup files, can be safely deleted provided you are certain they are no longer needed.
  • *.chk = Either lost cluster data from CHKDSK or WordPerfect temporary files.
  •  *.db$ = DBase temporary files.
  • *.nu3 = Norton Utilities 3.x temporary files.
  • *.nu4 = Norton Utilities 4.x temporary files.
  • *.old = Backups of files which have been modifies by another program. Delete only if you are sure these files are no longer required.
  • *.temp = Temporary files.
  • *.tmp = Temporary files made by Windows and not deleted afterwards.
  • *._detmp = Some type of temporary files.
  • ~$ = Some type of temporary files.
  • ~gl = Some type of temporary files.
  • acad.err = Error log file.
  • detlog.txt = Log file.
  • ffastun.* = Temporary files created by Scandisk.
  • ie4 error log.txt = Internet Explorer 4 error log file.
  • iebak.dat = Internet Explorer temporary backup data.
  • ndimage.dat = Norton Disk image data. Can be deleted safely.
  • netlog.txt = Log file.
  • scandisk.log = Scan disk log file.
  • schedlog.txt = Log file.
  • *.aet = Temporary AE Software Technologies files.
  • system.1st = Windows diagnostic file.
  • suhdlg.dat = Windows diagnostic file.
  • modemdet.txt = Windows diagnostic file.
  • bootlog.prv = Windows diagnostic file.
  • *.ilc = Borland c++ temporary files.
  • *.ild = Borland c++ temporary files.
  • *.ilf = Borland c++ temporary files.
  • *.ils = Borland c++ temporary files.
  • *.tds = Borland c++ temporary files.
  • MSCREATE.DIR = Folder on which files created by installations of Microsoft applications are stored.
  • *.$$$ = MS-DOS temporary files.
  • FILE_ID.DIZ = Mostly used by shareware authors to describe their applications.

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